Social and LabourIntegration

We promote training and social labour integration programs

We design personalised itineraries that encourage the beneficiaries’ involvement in their own labour and social integration process

Since it was created, the Health and Community Foundation has run and promoted the creation of training, employment and labour integration programmes aimed at target groups such as unemployed people, young people, and especially those in a situation of social exclusion or at risk of being so.

The aim of these programmes is favouring the reintegration by giving support, promoting and motivating people who have different problems, designing personalised itineraries that encourage the beneficiaries’ involvement in their own labour and social integration process.

In a committed and realistic way, we have worked to guide immigrants who were looking for work in our country, as well as we support our fellow citizens who are looking for a job that they do not find here.

Our methodology has always tried to design personalized itineraries that promote the participation of each one in their own work and personal development process.

In addition, full social integration must always consider the right to health and housing, so the Foundation has developed and manages programs for homeless people, providing temporary housing, hygienic-sanitary care, food, and in general directing the design of an itinerary that, taking into account the reasons that have led each one to this situation, guarantee the exit and maintenance of the improvement achieved.